About the Site

This site is a collection of sermons given (by me) in various contexts on various occasions.

Sermons are a highly contextual thing: they’re given to a particular group of people in a particular moment with particular concerns. And so archiving them on a webpage is just a bit arbitrary, and undoubtedly strips them of some of their intended meaning. I’ve tried to give just a bit of whatever the context was in the intro to each piece. Hopefully this helps the distance reader have some sense of the living space of worship.

This isn’t an exhaustive collection my sermons. These days most of my weekly sermons end up on the website of University Presbyterian Church in Austin, where I serve as pastor. If you can’t find it here, look there.

All content herein is protected by a Creative Commons license. Basically, you can share what you find, without alteration, as long as you credit me, and as long as it’s non-commercial. Or you can just ask. I’m really very friendly.

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